dog and cat adoptions
adoption procedures
Representatives from Country Acres Rescue do their best to ensure that all C.A.R. pets and their new owners are the perfect match. For this reason, the adoption process can take anywhere from a couple of hours to several days in order to finalize the adoption of the pet “for life.” If you are interested in adopting a particular pet, or if you just want more information about that pet, please complete our online Adoption Questionnaire at the bottom of this screen (be sure to mention the pet you are interested in!). You can send the Questionnaire to us by e-mail or by snail mail, or you can submit it in person. Once received, a C.A.R. Representative will contact you to answer any questions you may have.

Incomplete applications will not be considered, so take the time to include phone numbers, addresses, and requested information. Information discovered to be falsified or omitted will result in an automatic denial.

please note
We do not adopt on a first-come, first-serve basis. There have been times when we’ve received multiple adoption applications for a particular animal. We try to look at an animal’s unique personality and needs, matching this with the best living situation. This means that the pet will have fewer returns due to incorrect placement, causing much less stress for the pet(s). It also means we sometimes bruise a few hearts, and we are sorry for this. Our commitment, first and foremost, lies with the pets we serve.
All animals are examined by a veterinarian from Webster Groves Animal Hospital. We make every effort to ensure good health before placement and we seek owners who will continue this practice after adopting from us.